Secure Authentication Suite
Sixscape Secure Authentication Suite is a product to support Strong Client Authentication using Digital Certificates combined with biometric authentication. It turns your mobile devices (iOS/Android) and smartcards into an “authentication token” for use with online Web/SaaS services or Workstation/Device login. Using your mobile device/smartcard, private key, and biometrics to authenticate you any time to any device and delivering SDKs to extend integration for your future enterprise authentication requirements.
No more passwords or OTP
True2FA with cryptography based password-less authentication using a unique combination of your private key, a crypographic challenge response and your biometrics
Authenticate to anything, any time
Authenticate to your workstation, web application, SaaS deployment or payment portal within seconds using your mobile phone and your digital DNA
Uncompromised security
Your private key never leaves your phone, cryptographic challenge response is created with your public key and only decrypted with your private key

Authenticate with anything, anywhere! Using True2FA being something you have (your mobile phone) and something you are (your digital DNA of private key and biometrics) your authentication experience has never been more secure
Value: For my business
- No need to maintain a password database
- No more resetting of long and complex passwords
- Avoid re-using, sharing and loss of passwords
- Secure onboarding and management of new employees
Benefits: For my employees
- No more passwords, one authentication mechanism for all systems
- Always have your authentication device with you
- No need to remember passwords
- No more post-it notes stuck to your monitor

Key Features
- Certificate based authentication using X.509 certificates
- Multi platform support for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and all web applications
- Cryptographic based challenge response
- Your private key never leaves your device
- Active Directory integration