Email Security Suite
Security add-in for popular email clients for certificate-based digital signing and encryption of mails with Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android support. Email Security Suite offers frictionless delivery of internal and external secure email communications with automation of certificate provisioning, management and escrow. Protection of your private key and allows you to achieve and maintain compliance. Extending S/MIME capabilities for secure large file transfer and complete mailbox encryption.
S/MIME Automation
Automatically, seamlessly and centrally deploy S/MIME certificates to popular mail clients in seconds for digitally signing and encrypting of mails at enterprise-scale
Retrospective Email Encryption
Retrospectively encrypt all your legacy clear-text emails, preventing unauthorized local/cloud mailbox access, and addressing compliance
Secure Large File Transfers
Large files securely shared using S/MIME certificates. No more shared-secrets or passwords needed for protecting encrypted data-at-rest and in-transit
Onsite Key Escrow
Onsite escrow of your employees’ private encryption keys and certificates mitigating accidental loss or malicious removal, addressing data retention/compliance
Prospective Email Protection
Policy-driven encryption of all outgoing emails and incoming clear-text emails “on-the-fly”
Share Files To Multiple Recipients
Automated recipients’ certificate selection and in-built file compression for securely sharing of large files to any number of internal or external recipients
HSM Protected Keys
Multi FIPS140-2 HSM support with MofN access for secure storage of employees’ keys on-premises, allowing organizations to achieve and maintain compliance
Third Party Integrations
Integration to popular Email clients, Mobile Device Management solutions, Cloud-based file-sharing services, directory services delivering a 360° security posture
Enterprise Supply Chain Security
Ensure third-party identity assurance and integrity, and securely communicate with your supply chain using S/MIME certificate-based email

Frictionless deployment across all workstations, laptops and mobile devices with sharing of one private key and certificate and support for BYOD deployments and MDM support with zero impact on employees.
Key Features
- Secure digitally signed and encrypted S/MIME-based emails
- Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android support
- Directory service integrations with Active Directory, G Suite, Azure AD, LDAP and others
- Private key protection, it never leaves your device with full automated secure key escrow and MofN support.
- Same encryption private key and S/MIME certificate deployed across all end user devices
- Integration with all Certificate Authorities and PKI software
- Secure large file transfer using S/MIME
- Retrospective encryption of legacy emails
- External party email encryption, securing email with suppliers and business partners (securing your supply chain)
- Mobile Device Management (MDM) support
- Single S/MIME certificate for secure email, large file transfer and retrospective encryption

Value: For my business
- Achieve and maintain industry and regulatory compliance across corporate communications, legal document retention and always-on access to encrypted mails
- Protect corporate identity and assets with digitally signed and encrypted emails, large files and content
- Improve administrative efficiency with centralised deployment, automated and enterprise-scale with policy-based management
- Secure deployment and safeguard private keys and certificates on corporate desktop, mobile and BYOD devices
- Enable MofN access to corporate encrypted emails of past employees to authorized person
- Escrow and recovery of encryption key in case of malicious or accidental loss of encryption private key
- Protecting employees’ (legacy and future) emails and large files in both local and in the cloud
Benefits: For my employees
- Ensure personal identity on internal and external communications
- Assurance on email sender integrity and authenticity for phishing and Business Email Compromise prevention
- Secure encrypted transmission of sensitive email content and large files
- Hands-off signing and encryption of emails transmission of sensitive email content
- Sending, receiving, and reading of encrypted emails across multiple devices
- Peace of mind on the integrity and secure storage of your private key and certificate