IoT Security Suite
Sixscape IoT Security Suite is a PKI based product which enables millions or billions of IoT/IIoT devices and users to be issued with a digital identity. Sixscape’s IDCentral Platform allows security at-scale to be distributed across various domains, avoiding the traditional PKI bottleneck of centralized digital certificate issuance and management.
Sixscape IoT Security Suite enables IoT administrators to securely register, manage, and provision digital certificates for IoT devices. Sixscape IoT Security Suite also supports integration with various IoT cloud platforms to automatically publish the issued certificates, thus avoiding all the manual registration procedures and delivering SDKs to extend integration for your future and exponential growth of IoT security requirements.
Multi-IoT Platform Support
Using SDK’s from the already lightweight design of IRP allows integration with any IoT platform with minimal effort ensuring faster turn around time and guaranteed integration
Low Encryption Overhead
Support for ECC algorithm for lesser computational overhead compared to traditional algorithms, a mandate in IoT deployments where message size and overhead are governed
Public/Private Hierarchy Deployments
Deploy certificates issued by publicly trusted hierarchies or generate private hierarchy certificates from IRP for closed IoT networks

Deploy key material and certificates to IoT nodes at scale in seconds and prevent rogue devices joining the IoT network and protect message integrity across NBIoT, UNB and CellularIoT deployments
Value: For my business
- Multi-IoT platform and multi-CA support
- Integration with IRP (Identity Registration Platform) for cross company certificate management
- Ensure integrity of all IoT nodes and traffic across any size deployment
- Seamless management of new and existing certificates including auto renewal
- Support multiple IoT deployments with one easy to use interface
- Scale to billions of IoT devices, on premise or cloud based across AWS, Azure or IBM Bluemix
Benefits: For the deployment
- Ease of installation and setup
- Centralised and de-centralised deployment options
- Deploy news nodes in seconds, fully secured and at scale
- Choose private or public hierarchy deployment at no additional cost
- Control certificate revocation of redundant nodes
- Intuitive administrator console to register, provision and manage devices

Key Features
- Built-in private hierarchy CA
- Integration to various IoT Cloud Platforms
- Custom integration using RESTful API
- Software Development Kit for popular platforms
- Supports secure storage of device key element
- IPv4, dual-stack and IPv6-only support