
A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) consists of hardware components, network infrastructure, network protocols, software, secure operating procedures and a legal framework. It enables users and devices to exchange data over unsecured channels such as the Internet with privacy and/or authentication. It also supports securing data at rest.
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Identity Registration Protocol (IRP) is a digital certificate automation platform for the request, retrieval, deployment and ongoing management of digital X.509 certificates across all use-cases. Secure communication over IANA awarded port 4604, IRP forms the core of the Sixscape solution portfolio.

Extensible Trust Management Platform
With the explosive growth of digital identities, an extensible trust management platform is a must. Full cryptograhic assets discovery, visibility and management through a single pane of glass, on-prem or hosted complete with crypto-agility to protect you now and in the future.
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Post Quantum Cryptography
The advent of quantum computers (ones with massive parallelism) threaten the security of public key cryptographic algorithms like RSA and ECC used in almost all digital certificates. Within 10 years or so, quantum computers may be able to break RSA 2048 keys in les than one day, compared to thousands of years with traditional computers. This is not an issue for most certificates, but some go into cars and other products that may be around for decades. Sixscape is working with various CAs and vendors who are creating a new generation of quantum-safe algorithms. We will be including support for these in our products in the near future.
Sixcape builds Crypto Agility into our solutions and works with Certification Authorities and Quantum Cryptography industry vendors do deliver Quantum Safe technology across its platforms to ensure customers are safe from future quantum attacks.
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